Sender Stories - Sender One Climbing

Words by Atila Vaas

"Many years ago, I went on a two-week caravan with the YMCA. We drove and camped throughout the Sierras, including a few nights in Tuolumne Meadows. My friend Scot and I ran and explored everything we could and one of the highlights of the trip for us was this big smooth rock that we cautiously scaled. Lembert Dome was my first climb!

Years later I read an issue in Outside Magazine that described local rock climbing and one of the places in the article was in Malibu. I knew this place and immediately jumped on my motorcycle to ride there and see it. I followed the picture and was able to scale the arete wearing a tank top, shorts, and my Converse All Star Tennies.

I was so excited I went over to [the now closed] Sport Chalet and looked at books and gear and left with an issue of Climbing Magazine. The issue had an article on ‘protection’ and talked about the possibility of falling. FALLING! A childhood of tree climbs and the previously mentioned article only pointed to fun and adventure. Never did it cross my mind that I would fall. Since that time, I had pursued climbing and instruction off and on over the years. I’ve honestly been scared many times at the end of a rope, in couloirs, and remote ridges, and am grateful for the lessons and experiences I have had. At one point I had read a book about the pure joy and simplicity of enjoying the mountains. It contrasted what we do today by trying to do things harder. The book went on about going the easiest way and told stories about hip belays and knots as anchors.

I tried this too for a bit. I went in tennies, carried more food than necessary, and just enjoyed myself with minimal exposure and the only goal being the experiencing of the mountains. Recently, I did the opposite. I joined the Sender One Bouldering League and participated in my first competition. I learned a lot watching, training, and participating. My team was quite mixed in level and while I was decidedly the lowest grade climber at the start, I did mange to improve and get my handicap upgraded.

I love the mountains. I have enjoyed climbing, hiking, and skiing them worldwide. And I still have fun regardless of the level of challenge but am always afraid to fall."

We all have stories to tell and we want to hear and share them with everyone! Sender Stories is now dedicated to our members and community to share your experiences and of course, Share Our Passions, Find Creative Beta, Learn from our Projects and Send Them, See from Other People’s Perspective, and Climb Together! Sender One embraces personal experiences being told within our community and encourage all to share!

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